Terms of Service

We use the service of leading AI model vendors and cloud service providers and abide by their terms of service. Please go through our terms of service carefully before accepting.
  • By accepting our terms of service, you are agreeing to the terms of service laid out by our AI vendors and Cloud service providers. Please check the terms of service from each AI model providers listed in the table below.
  • Our service is age-restricted; you must be 18 years or older to use our service. By agreeing our terms of service, you are confirming your age is 18 years or older.
  • We reserve the right of revoking your access to our service without any prior consent or communication to you. By accepting our terms of service, you are agreeing to waive your right to continued access to the service.
  • We reserve the right to restrict certain features or revoke access to certain features from you without prior consent or communication. By accepting our terms of service, you are agreeing to waive your right to full access to the service.

Privacy Policy

We use the service of leading AI model vendors and cloud service providers, so we remain compliant with their privacy policy. Please go through our privacy policy carefully before accepting.
  • By accepting our privacy policy, you are agreeing to the privacy policy laid out by our AI vendors and Cloud service providers. Please check out the privacy policy of each AI vendor from the table below.
  • We take your personal information only for the purpose of the service offered to you. We keep your personal information safe and secure. We don't share your personal information, including any document you use during your interaction sessions, to any external entity or third-party vendors. By agreeing to our privacy policy, you provide consent to use your personal information for the service we offer to you.
  • We may preserve some of your interaction with AI models for the purpose of analysis and scientific research. If we do so, we anonymize your personal information before such use. By accepting our privacy policy, you are giving us consent to store and use your interactions with AI models for analysis and research purpose.
  • We are not liable for any personal or confidential information you are providing to AI models which may be manifested at later point in time. You are strictly advised not to pass any personal or confidential information during your interaction with AI models. By accepting our privacy policy, you are waving your right for legal recourse arising from such scenarios.

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